Have you ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are? Or what spiritual gifts your children have been given? Did you know that there are more spiritual gifts than just the ones listed in Moroni 10: 9-16? My good friend shared a talk with me a while back entitled "There are Many Gifts" by Elder Marvin J. Ashton. In this talk he references 3 Nephi chapters 11-26 as chapters that contain "many gifts". For my Come, Follow Me study this week, I have gone through the first half of these chapters (11-17) and tried to find some of these "less-conspicuous" (as Elder Ashton calls them) spiritual gifts. Here's what I found (several of these can also be found in Elder Ashton's talk):
- the gift of hearing and using a still, small voice (11:3)
- the gift of testifying of Jesus Christ (11:15)
- the gift of avoiding contention (11:28-29)
- the gift of being calm (11:30)
- the gift of becoming like a little child (11:37)
- the gift of listening to the prophets (12:1)
- the gift of being humble (12:3)
- the gift of empathy (12:4)
- the gift of being meek (12:5)
- the gift of hungering and thirsting after righteousness (12:6)
- the gift to forgive others (12:7, 39)
- the gift of being pure in heart (12:8)
- the gift of being a peacemaker (12:9)
- the gift of being a disciple (12:10)
- the gift of being joyful (12:12)
- the gift of being an example (12:16)
- the gift of being agreeable (12:25)
- the gift of communication (12:37)
- the gift of generosity (12:40-42)
- the gift of charity (12:43-44)
- the gift of having righteous motives (13:1-6)
- the gift of avoiding vain repetition (13:7)
- the gift of offering prayer (13:9-13)
- the gift of being able to fast (13:16-18)
- the gift of prioritizing (13:20-21)
- the gift of dedication (13:22)
- the gift of seeking the kingdom of God (13:33)
- the gift of not passing judgment (14:1-5)
- the gift of recognizing sacred things (14:6)
- the gift of asking (14:7-8)
- the gift of benevolence (14:9-11)
- the gift of discernment (14:15-20)
- the gift of obedience (14:21)
- the gift of loyalty (14:21-23)
- the gift of wisdom (14:24-27)
- the gift of remembering (15:1)
- the gift of looking to God for direction (15:9)
- the gift of being able to endure (15:9)
- the gift of trusting in Gods word (15:14-15)
- the gift of being able to ponder (17:3)
- the gift of compassion (17:6-7)
- the gift of being able to weep (17: 5,10,21,22)
"Why Not Ask" by Elder Larry R. Lawrence