Monday, September 26, 2022

Isaiah Insights-Part 3

This weeks study of the book of Isaiah concentrated on chapters 40-49. Here are some of my take-aways...

Isaiah 40:28-31 One of the characteristics of God is that he never grows faint or weary. We are promised those same characteristics as we "wait upon the Lord" (serve Him and trust in Him). Could this blessing apply not only physically, but spiritually as well?

Isaiah 41 Three times in this chapter the Lord tells us to "Fear not" because He is with us and will hold us and help us. I find those words very comforting during these last days.

Isaiah 42:1-3 Christ came to earth as a quiet leader "for His was not an earthly kingdom wherein His voice and His works and His wonders were to be heralded abroad; rather His was a heavenly kingdom." (Old Testament Student Manuel). Can we be more like Christ by quietly going about doing good works? And not expect our works to be heralded abroad? But do them instead for our Heavenly King?

Isaiah 44: 9-20 The Lord condemns the worship of idols several times in these verses and then compares the worship of idols to someone feeding on ashes (v 20). How is worshipping false gods like eating ashes? Ash will never satiate your hunger pangs. You can eat it and eat it and still be hungry and malnourished because it doesn't fill your real needs. What are some modern day ashes that people feed upon? (social media, worldly lifestyle..)

Isaiah 45:22 Salvation only comes by and through Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 46:3-4 The ultimate analogy of the love of God for each of each is the love of a mother for her children. Their life comes at the expense of her own life and that's exactly what Christ has done for each of us.

(my study resources were: "Don't Miss This" podcast, "Book of Mormon Central" podcast, "Follow Him" podcast, "Unshaken Saints" podcast, NIV Bible translation, ESV Bible translation, KJV Bible & footnotes, Old Testament Student Manual)

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Isaiah Insights-Part 2

Isaiah 13:11-12 The Lord sees His righteous followers as being more rare than gold.

Isaiah 14 God's promises and purposes will be fulfilled and no one can stop that from happening.

Isaiah 25:4 The Lord is our strength, refuge and shadow from the heat.

Isaiah 26:3 Keeping our minds focused on Jesus Christ will bring us perfect peace.

Isaiah 27:1 The Lord can easily destroy Satan and the chaos he creates, so we should trust and believe in His power to save us.

Isaiah 28:7-8 Are we spiritually drunk? Stumbling because we're trying to walk and follow the messages of the world..(the "vomit" the world is spewing forth)?

Isaiah 28:23-29 Parable of the Plowman can be about the wisdom Christ has with His personal care for each of us.

Isaiah 29:4 God wants us to learn from our ancestors through the scriptures, temple work and family history stories.

Isaiah 30:9-14 Rejecting the word of God leads to destruction.

Isaiah 35:1 God will help things grow when you involve Him in your life.

(my study resources were: "Don't Miss This" podcast, "Book of Mormon Central" podcast, "Follow Him" podcast, "Unshaken Saints" podcast, NIV Bible translation, ESV Bible translation, KJV Bible & footnotes, Old Testament Student Manual)

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Isaiah Insights

The Come, Follow Me manual suggested that one way to study Isaiah is to read each chapter and focus on what that chapter is teaching you about Jesus Christ. This is the way I tried to study chapters 1-12 of Isaiah this week. Although I didn't make it through all the chapters, I wanted to share what I found in the chapters I did study.
  • Isaiah 1:11-17 Christ instituted religious rituals in order to stir up our hearts with a desire to change for the better and to help others along the way. If our worship is insincere then it is offensive to God.
  • Isaiah 2:2-6 Christ wants us to go to the temple where we can be taught by Him how we should live and not look to the world for how we should live.
  • Isaiah 3:16-26 Christ is warning us not to let the excesses of the world overcome us because they will lead us into bondage.
  • Isaiah 4: 3-6 The Lord will save and protect the righteous.
  • Isaiah 5:2-7 Jesus Christ has given us everything to be successful and to thrive in this life and He is frustrated when He sees us taking it for granted.
  • Isaiah 6:6-8 Just like Isaiah received his call to be a prophet, we also are given the opportunity each week to be cleansed of our sins and to recommit ourselves to do the Lord's work as we partake of the sacrament.
  • Isaiah 7:4 Christ wants us to listen to His chosen prophet. If we listen and do what he says then we have no need to fear.
  • Isaiah 8: 11-14 The Lord wants us to fear (respect and reverence) Him before man.
  • Isaiah 9:1-2 The teachings of Jesus Christ bring light to a world and to people that are living and suffering in darkness.
  • Isaiah 10:12-15 Christ is the one in charge and he uses us to move His work forward here on this earth-either for good or for bad.
(my study resources were: "Don't Miss This" podcast, "Book of Mormon Central" podcast, "Follow Him" podcast, "Unshaken Saints" podcast, NIV Bible translation, ESV Bible translation, KJV Bible & footnotes, Old Testament Student Manual)

Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Virtuous (Wo)Man

The Come, Follow Me manual highlights Proverbs 31 and challenges the reader to look for the different traits that describe a virtuous women. In addition to this, one of the podcasts I listened to (Don't Miss This) added the thought to analyze just the verbs that are mentioned in this chapter and think about what those verbs look like in your discipleship and effort to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
By isolating the verbs, I was able to formulate questions that help me examine my character traits more closely and see in what areas I can improve.
  • v. 13-seeketh; do I have a desire to look harder? 
  • v. 13-worketh; am I putting in the daily effort to reach my goals?
  • v. 14-bringeth; am I ready and willing to invite others to come unto Christ?
  • v. 15-riseth; am I quick to stand up and help those around me?
  • v. 16-considereth; do I think before I act?
  • v. 16-planteth; do I have faith enough to "plant" and patience enough to wait for the harvest?
  • v. 17-girdeth; am I preparing myself for challenges?
  • v. 17-strengtheneth; do I build others up with my words and actions?
  • v. 18-perceiveth; do I look to see things with a different perspective?
  • v. 18-candle goeth not out; is my testimony always burning brightly for others to see?
  • v. 20-stretcheth; am I willing to stretch outside of my comfort circle?
  • v. 20-reacheth; do I give up on others too easily? do I help others feel loved?
  • v. 22-maketh; do I use my talents?
  • v. 24-delivereth; do I come to the rescue?
  • v. 26-openeth her mouth with wisdom; do I share the things I know to be true?
  • v. 27-looketh; am I an approachable person?
  • v. 30-feareth the Lord; do I reverence the Lord enough to do all He has asked me to do?
Self-reflective questions can lead us to better be able to do what our prophet, President Nelson has asked us to do which is..."We Can Do Better and Be Better"