Saturday, September 17, 2022

Isaiah Insights-Part 2

Isaiah 13:11-12 The Lord sees His righteous followers as being more rare than gold.

Isaiah 14 God's promises and purposes will be fulfilled and no one can stop that from happening.

Isaiah 25:4 The Lord is our strength, refuge and shadow from the heat.

Isaiah 26:3 Keeping our minds focused on Jesus Christ will bring us perfect peace.

Isaiah 27:1 The Lord can easily destroy Satan and the chaos he creates, so we should trust and believe in His power to save us.

Isaiah 28:7-8 Are we spiritually drunk? Stumbling because we're trying to walk and follow the messages of the world..(the "vomit" the world is spewing forth)?

Isaiah 28:23-29 Parable of the Plowman can be about the wisdom Christ has with His personal care for each of us.

Isaiah 29:4 God wants us to learn from our ancestors through the scriptures, temple work and family history stories.

Isaiah 30:9-14 Rejecting the word of God leads to destruction.

Isaiah 35:1 God will help things grow when you involve Him in your life.

(my study resources were: "Don't Miss This" podcast, "Book of Mormon Central" podcast, "Follow Him" podcast, "Unshaken Saints" podcast, NIV Bible translation, ESV Bible translation, KJV Bible & footnotes, Old Testament Student Manual)

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