Friday, February 13, 2009

The smell fire.

A found one of her toys the other day sitting in the top of a scented candle (of course we put it there on purpose). She was excited and ran in to tell everyone. Mom asked her where she found it and she said "I found it in the smell fire." We thought that was such a clever way of describing that. Yesterday B was in a bad mood all afternoon and after dinner he finally started cheering up. A said "Thanks for being so happy, B." What a delight. Some of the pictures I've posted make little B seem kind of somber. These are more like it.
Love the hair. Love it.
Our dynamite KNex windmill. I wanted to post the close up version to crop out the jammies, but Melody deserves credit, and we did go to a BYU basketball game the other day and it was pretty fun.
So this is not a flattering picture. But the thought is pretty cute. And I love A's mouth.
This is the boys' favorite activity nowadays. Anyone else remember sliding down the stairs in their sleeping bag? N made me go down and it about broke me and the stairs.


Alison said...

I just showed my parents your blog, and Doug & my dad laughed pretty hard picturing you trying to slide down those stairs! What a good laugh for the day :)

Niki said...

Love the pictures and stories. I'm tempted to stick something in your mouth, and A's, on the couch napping pic.

Tringali Family said...

Sliding down the stairs, those were the good old days!

Camille said...

The smell fire, I love it! I love the way kiddos explain things.

Audrey said...

Melody, I don't know if you remember me, but Enos and I were in the 500 court with you at the U of U student housing. I've really enjoyed seeing all the cute pictures of your little family.

My blog is private, but feel free to send your e-mail address to me and I'll send you an invite:

Natalie said...

Mel! What a cute family you have! Do you have two of each? That worked our nice! I have four girls! So fun! When did you have your newest addition?

Katie said...

hey-somehow I missed this post. Very cute!!! We miss you guys SO MUCH!

Van Tassell said...

We really miss being your neighbors. Your kids (and their parents) are the cutest.