Sunday, May 8, 2022

Tabernacle Symbolism

My favorite insights studying Come, Follow Me this week were in relation to all the symbolism that can be seen within the construction and furnishings of the tabernacle and how a lot of that symbolism parallels with our modern day temple experience. The manual suggested finding objects that were in the tabernacle and what they might have symbolized. The best resource I found with this information was the Old Testament Institute Student Manual.

I. Outer Courtyard--represents the world or telestial room 
    a. alter of sacrifice--represents the laws of obedience and sacrifice
    b. laver--represents baptism and the remission of sins

II. Holy Place--represents the terrestrial room
    a. lampstand--represents living by the light of the Spirit
    b. table of shewbread--represents the flesh and blood of Christ (sacrament)
    c. alter of incense--represents prayer

III. Holy of Holies--represents the celestial room
    a. veil-represents angelic guardians
    b. ark of the covenant-the presence of God

I loved this quote from the Institute Manual that reads "the tabernacle and its plan and the ordinances thereof illustrate the grand and glorious symbolism of mankind's progress from a state of being alienated from God to one of full communion with Him." I love that as I learned more about the building of the ancient tabernacle I was able to understand the temple ceremonies in a new light. These chapters in Exodus provide us with a strong connection to the ancient Israelites and their worship in the tabernacle with us as we are blessed to worship in modern temples.

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