While studying Moses and the plagues of Egypt this week in Exodus chapters 7-13, I learned a few lessons on how we might parallel the plagues of Egypt to our own lives…
- Just like some of the plagues affected everyone - both Israelite and Egyptian, there are difficulties and trials (“plagues”) we will encounter in this life that no amount of righteousness on our part can help us avoid. They could be things like dealing with certain types of disease or facing the consequences of natural disasters. Sometimes the righteous suffer right along with the wicked, and that’s just part of mortality.
- The Israelites, God’s covenant people, were given protection from some of the plagues that affected the Egyptians (8:22, 9:4, 9:26, 10:23). Likewise, as we live our covenants, we are blessed with protection from worldly plagues like addiction to drugs, alcohol, and pornography.
- The Lord provided specific instructions, to both the Egyptians and Israelites on how to avoid some of the plagues (9:19-21, 12:3-20). The Lord will also give us, through His prophets, special instructions on how to prepare for and avoid some of the modern plagues that are coming. The prophet is the Lord’s spokesman for the whole world and his words are spoken for all mankind to hear and hearken to.